Monday, May 13, 2019

Yard Shirts

I didn't celebrate No Pants Day this year, for two reasons. It's a difficult holiday to celebrate, because without having strength in numbers (I'm the only one I know interested in celebrating it), or widespread notoriety of the holiday (so people will know what you're doing), you can't really just go pants-less in public without expecting to be labeled a lunatic or worse (a pervert or criminal). It's even harder to document myself celebrating the holiday. Do you expect me to set up a tripod in a store or on the street, and draw all that extra attention to myself while I'm not wearing pants in public? These sorts of things are better with a co-conspirator, and that requires coordination and opportunity, which benefits from a little planning. And the other reason I didn't celebrate No Pants Day this year was because I was so wrapped up in making the most of this year's World Naked Gardening Day, which falls, by default, on the very next day after No Pants Day (the first Friday in May versus the first Saturday in May) - except, I suppose, when the first of May falls on a Saturday.

[description: bottomless fashion selfies outdoors modeling different shirts]

So, to make up for it (although the lighting's not that great), here's me trying on a couple of awesome shirts from a yard sale, while completely bottomless. :-3