Monday, May 6, 2019

First Burn of the Season

I don't normally like to let myself get burned (if I can help it), but I was caught off guard, doing yard work on a slightly cool, but bright and sunny April day. I suppose I haven't switched over to the summer habit of putting on sunscreen when I'm out in the sun just yet. The weird pattern is because at first I was wearing shorts, hence the sun on my back and shoulders, but then later I put on a shirt, and got some more sun on my arms.

[description: bathroom selfies demonstrating red, sunburned skin]

Although I'm a fan of pale skin, I don't mind a little summer color. But I don't like well-defined tan lines. I guess if you're, say, getting naked in the bedroom, the reveal of having worn skimpy outfits out in the sunshine long enough to get tanned may be somewhat thrilling (although the idea of tanning beds kinda defeats that), but especially as a nudist, if you're already naked, the suggestion of clothing kinda defeats the purpose of not wearing it. All the more reason to strip down when the weather is warm. But don't forget your sunscreen! Although, unfortunately, you can't go around just anywhere without clothes on...