Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Exhibitionism or Gymnophilia?

I've written a lot about how exhibitionism is misunderstood by the public, and what impact that has on nudism. I've even written about how, for me, the thrill of public nudity lies in the taboo of being naked in forbidden places, rather than being about the unsuspecting persons that inhabit those places. Which is what I have on my mind today.

You see, when I fantasize, I don't imagine the looks of shock or disgust on strangers' faces. That has never been appealing to me. What I dream about is a world where it's okay for me to be naked in novel places, or the possibility that I might strip down in public without getting caught.

And it's not limited strictly to nudity. Any kind of exposure - even the legal, albeit borderline variety. I like to wear skimpy outfits in public. Partly because it's my way of giving back to the community (since seeing other people in skimpy outfits in public never fails to make my day), and partly just because it's thrilling.

I was thinking about that one time I went running down the street in little more than a bra and short shorts (without even my shoes), because I was running after a ball that had rolled into a river. I was dressed for the sand volleyball court, but unforeseen circumstances transplanted me in a slightly different environment (there always has to be an excuse for being "under" dressed, you see, because you're not allowed to do it just because you enjoy it).

I was dressed in such a way that I imagine it would draw attention (and I have no doubt those men drinking beer on that porch got a kick out of it), but there was technically nothing indecent (and certainly not illegal) about my attire. And if anything, the attention made me less comfortable, because you never know how people are going to react. But at the same time, the feeling of being so skimpily dressed was legitimately exciting. I reveled in the circumstances that had put me in that situation.

And I feel that way a lot of the time when I have the opportunity to be naked. It's not about exposing myself to anybody. To quote a nudist cliché, it's not about being seen naked, it's simply about being naked. Having that feeling of freedom, of raw exposure - no filter between your body and the environment - acknowledging it, and reveling in it. Amplified when it occurs in a situation where you wouldn't normally expect it to occur.

Is that exhibitionism - a desire to perform or be on display for others? Or just gymnophilia - a love of the feeling of being uncovered (in whole or part)? I'm not claiming that there isn't an erotic element to it. But it keys less on the requirement for the potential (if not intended) discomfort of others. And there doesn't necessarily have to be any explicit sexual activity involved (although this is true of exhibitionism as well).

I don't doubt there are a lot of nudists that have some level of gymnophilia, whether in an erotic sense or otherwise (just like audiophiles are obsessed with stereo equipment without necessarily wanting to stick their dicks in their speakers). And I'm sure it's the same feeling a lot of people have who like to take advantage of the opportunity to wear skimpy swimsuits to the pool or beach (in family-friendly environments, even), yet are mostly not considered perverts or criminals.

If you can do it in the textile world (assuming good behavior), there's no reason you shouldn't be able to do it in the nudist world as well. And that includes getting a kick out of showing off (as well as admiring other people's bodies).