Sunday, May 5, 2019

More Naked Gardening

I had a lot to post yesterday, and this beautiful, summer-like weather we've been having has been inspiring me to get outside in the sunshine; and where I go naked, my camera is never too far behind (except where it's sadly not allowed to follow). So here's some extra stuff I've shot that may or may not directly relate to gardening.

[description: animated photo of a naked man climbing a tree]

I decided on a whim at the end of the day that it would be a lot of fun to climb a tree. In hindsight, I don't really recommend climbing trees naked, as you're likely to come down covered in scratches, and maybe even hard-to-remove tree sap. But I guess that depends on the tree you choose. Still, that having been said, it's worth doing at least once, just for the experience. Maybe it's just my weird affinity for nature, but sitting up in a tree naked felt exhilarating. It reminds me of a voiceover from a David Hamilton film that I've quoted before. I don't know why people get so uptight about mixing eroticism, spirituality, and the natural world - just because it doesn't involve two sexes creating an embryo together, I guess? But I think it's beautiful.

I went back out the next day and shot some supplemental material.

[description: short video of a naked man running away from and then towards the camera]

When I first got started in nudism, I had to get used to the strange feeling of my genitals flopping about as I walked. I remember being particularly conscious of it while walking around naked at Burning Man ten years ago. But these days, it's one of my favorite things about being naked - the feeling of my genitals swinging freely between my thighs is like a constant reminder that I'm naked, that can't really be duplicated while dressed, even if all you're wearing is a skimpy pair of briefs.