Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Penis Measurement

[description: a man holds a ruler against an erection that exceeds the 7" line]
Not the most honest angle, I must admit...

There's a lot of misinformation about penis size out there. Frankly, I don't think it's nearly as much of a big deal as some people make it out to be, although I'd have to concede that because it's not a big deal to me, doesn't mean that it can't be a big deal to someone else. After all, I might feel differently if I had a different penis.

Now, I don't have the biggest penis in the world - not by a long shot. It's not going to break any records. But I'd have to say it strikes an impressive profile, and it seems to be well-suited to the task it was designed for. I certainly have no complaints whatsoever in that respect. However, I am a "grower", so it's considerably smaller when not aroused (although never small enough, it seems, when I'm trying to squeeze into a bikini or a tight dress).

I feel like this should go without saying, but then my perspective (as a person who possesses one of these organs that behaves in this way) could be biased. You cannot judge a man's true size in its flaccid state. That's like underestimating a tiny snake in the grass, when what you're actually looking at is merely the tail of a great serpent.

I must admit I find it very humorous that I've been described as both "tiny" and "huge" in different contexts. Perhaps that's why, to me, anyone's judgment of a penis' size seems insignificant, because it is my experience that the penis is a transformative, and often times deceptive, organ. That may also, incidentally, contribute to the misinformation that's out there (of course, ego is another significant motivator).

As a small step towards rectifying that misinformation (and just because it's fun, and gives me an excuse to take some pornographic pictures), I've decided to measure my penis for you here, so you can put a number to the images you've seen in the past, and perhaps get a somewhat more realistic idea of what a satisfactory penis measurement is.

[description: a flaccid penis is measured against a ruler]

About four inches flaccid, although resting size can actually vary depending on any number of unknown factors - this isn't the smallest I've ever been. Plus, you tend to stretch it out in order to measure it - it could be sitting all curled up and appear even smaller. Sometimes it behaves kind of like an accordion. Or, if there's been some stimulation - whether deliberate or incidental (even getting stuck between my thighs when I cross my legs could be enough to set it off) - it may rest temporarily at a larger size. You just can't ever be too sure.

[description: an erection is measured, both length-wise, and around its girth]

I'm gonna say about six and a half inches erect, from base to tip, with an approximately five inch diameter. I don't know how that compares to the average - it would be interesting to do a population-wide study, and have every owner of a penis come in and get measured in a standardized way (because the way you measure a penis can drastically affect the results), both flaccid and erect. Imagine if you could pick your nurse (male or female) from a lineup? Hell, we might as well measure shooting distance while we're at it! Wouldn't that be fun? It sure beats giving blood...