Friday, September 15, 2017

Outfit of the Day (#ootd)

[description: bathroom mirror selfie in casual, girly clothes]

Being an internet model has taught me to see myself the way other people see me. And random offhand remarks aside, nobody is as critical about your appearance as you are yourself. Finding out that there are people out there who think I am attractive has enabled me to look past the flaws (and I have plenty), and focus more on the parts that I like about my body. Nobody's perfect. And nobody has to be. There are ways you can improve your appearance - I didn't like how I looked when I started putting on weight, so I worked to get rid of it, and I've never looked back. And I strive to find clothes that balance the sometimes conflicting influences of what I like and what looks good on my body.

As a guy who wants to look like a girl, I probably have a pretty quirky sense of style (I'd describe it as a cross between pretty princess and teenage whore). But there has to be a limit to the constant self-judgment. If you don't like something about yourself, work to change it. And if you can't or won't work to change it, then learn to accept it instead. But stop going through life always putting yourself down. There will always be somebody out there more beautiful than you are. But there will be somebody uglier, too. You're neither the best nor the worst example of humanity. So just focus on being the best possible you, and learn to be happy with that. Confidence goes a long way.