Friday, March 31, 2023

Rainbow Sequins

It's nice that, among all the women in my family, I have such a reputation that, whenever anybody finds a pretty dress, their immediate thought is to give it to me, because they think I will like it. And they're right!

Which lends credence to my claim that the truest girls anymore are the transgirls, on account of how common it is these days for women to eschew stereotypical feminine stereotypes. You could lament this as a turning away from traditional gender roles, but if we want to maintain our freedom, then we NEED MtF crossdressers for their commitment to preserving the institution of femininity.

This is a funny anecdote, but I was walking out of the store one day with my partner, and some old guy chased after us solely for the reason that he wanted to compliment me on my long hair, telling me that "that's the way women should be." My partner and I just giggled and walked away. I didn't have the heart to tell him. :-x