Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Simple Sexuality

Nudism brings a certain innocence to nudity - an innocence that is defined in stark contrast to any conception of our fundamental sexual natures. Indeed, one often gets the impression, browsing nudist communities online, that a certain subset of the nudist population would rejoice if mankind became completely asexual overnight (although, I suspect that they would soon grow bored, no longer having a preponderance of perverts and pornographers to criticize and campaign against day in and day out). But something that I enjoy is bringing a certain innocence to sexuality itself (which is not to be confused with ignorance or naïveté).

I dislike the categorization of sex as a vice - a mature discipline, like drinking and smoking and gambling and piercing and tattoos, practiced mainly by the rougher edges of society (or so the stereotype goes). Everybody has a sexuality, and sexuality in the human animal extends far beyond the narrow confines of mating and procreation. But neither is it only about going at it like dogs in a back alley with a different stranger each night.

It's about the tingling sensations of our physical bodies, and how they trigger the erotic potential of our imaginations. It's about taking sensual delight in being a product (and interconnected part) of the natural world. It's about self-pleasure in masturbation, but also in sharing these feelings (voyeuristically and exhibitionistically) with other like-minded humans, without necessarily requiring a gross exchange of bodily fluids.

It's about dancing in the spring rain with an erection, unselfconsciously, not thinking about the magnetism of relationships and the process of making babies, but just the sheer electricity of a material existence. It's about pleasure, and joy, and satisfaction, and happiness, and all the positive emotions that make life beautiful. I resent the way that our culture insists on casting a looming shadow over all these things, and coding "physical pleasure" as "potential predation" (like living in a society with a cannibal problem, where suspicions arise every time the topic of eating is brought up, and people harbor shame about their own appetites). My sexuality is an innocent sexuality, free from the corruption of a jaded society.