Friday, April 23, 2021

Truth in Beauty

The genesis of this blog was founded on the proposition that we should be truthful about the things that we find beautiful (in particular, from an erotic perspective). I've spent these last 10+ years exploring what I find attractive through my photography (within the limits of self-reflection), and discussing it unselfconsciously on this blog. But in my years of shooting self-portraits for adoring fans, I've come to realize that it's also important to trust in the truth of what others find beautiful. Especially when that beauty is in you.

We all have hang-ups and insecurities about our appearance. While it can be a selective profession, modeling has taught me how to view myself from another's perspective. (Having an adoring partner that you trust can also have this effect, but I find that being admired, repeatedly, by complete strangers who have nothing to gain from flattering me - except seeing more to admire - is pretty compelling evidence).

Nobody's perfect, and people can sometimes be cruel, but it's often true that we are ourselves our own harshest critics. So be kind to yourself, and when somebody tells you you're beautiful, don't contradict them. I feel like our culture makes self-confidence out to be a personality flaw, but honestly, I think self-deprecation is unattractive. If you don't believe in yourself, then why should anyone else believe in you?

"Oh beautiful, why are you so blue?
If you could only see the way I see you."

- Joe Bonamassa