Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Nude Recreation Week 2019 (Sports)

[description: two nudists play badminton outdoors]

This week I'm celebrating Nude Recreation Week, with a week-long series of images featuring different outdoor recreational activities performed nude! Today's theme is sports. I wanted to feature volleyball - as it is a popular nudist pastime, and I have participated in many nude volleyball tournaments - but I did not have enough room in my backyard for a full size volleyball net; and of all the volleyball courts I know of, they are either situated so that there is no chance of going nude, or else they are located in areas where cameras are strictly forbidden. So, you get badminton instead - a great activity for your next backyard barbecue! If you've never played sports in the nude, you're missing out on the freedom of running and jumping about with no clothes to hamper your movement, or to weigh you down when you start to sweat.