Friday, July 12, 2019

Nude Recreation Week 2019 (Hiking)

[description: a nudist poses while hiking through the woods]

This week I'm celebrating Nude Recreation Week, with a week-long series of images featuring different outdoor recreational activities performed nude! Today's theme is hiking, and for this theme, I trekked out into the woods on a rainy weekday morning to walk through an enchanted forest nude. The rain kept the bugs at bay (not to mention other hikers off the trail), although it was very muddy. But the forest was quiet - except for the sounds of nature - and I felt like I was alone in the wilderness. Well, alone in the sense of being away from people - I saw two turtles, a wild hare, a deer, and something growled at me from the bushes at one point (I felt glad I was carrying my walking stick!). My nakedness further detached me from the trappings of civilization, and I felt exhilarated from start to finish. I highly recommend the experience; I only wish it were more accepted among society to enjoy nature the way it was intended - au naturel.