Friday, November 3, 2017

Visions From The Fitting Room

Eventually it gets to a point where all the dresses begin to blur together...

[description: fitting room selfies in a variety of formal dresses]

The first one was beautiful, but wouldn't stay up on me, and the tightness leaves nothing to the imagination. It had little floral accents, and though it looked incredible as is, I thought it would make a great elven dress in a nice forest green color.

I put the second one on, and I instantly loved it. So slinky and sexy! It made me feel amazing. But it was completely impractical. I hate that I even have to consider these things (why can't I just wear what I like?), but there's no hiding my anatomy in it, and I imagine it would take constant effort to keep in place. The only place I could possibly wear it is to a kink party or some such, and I don't go to very many of those.

This consignment shop has an unrivaled assortment of dresses in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but I must say, the high, overhead lighting in the fitting rooms is not very flattering for faces.

[description: more fitting room selfies in several different white formal gowns]

I've been looking at some potential wedding dresses for a themed photoshoot. I'm usually attracted to short, skimpy dresses (also colorful), and wedding dresses tend to be very...full (although that's what makes them look so extravagant and formal). I've learned, though, that these dresses look a lot more attractive on the body than they do hanging up.

I have this fantasy of going into a bridal shop (I've toured a couple but been too timid to do anything more than poke around the racks), and get the full treatment - trying on this and that dress, working with trained professionals to find something that flatters me and is in a style I like. But the thought of actually going through with it makes me anxious for two reasons.

[description: fitting room selfie with a dress unzipped all the way down the back]

Firstly, I'm not actually planning a wedding, and I don't want to be seen as treating a very serious occasion in many people's lives too flippantly - also, people tend to go all out for weddings, and are therefore willing to spend a little more money than usual, while my budget remains pretty tight; I'd hate to go into a store hoping to find something spectacular while being limited to whatever the cheapest wares are on hand. That would just seem to display an unrealistic sense of expectations.

Secondly, there's the issue of my sex not lining up with my gender - so to have all that scrutiny on me while I try on different dresses (all pretty much designed for human beings with breasts and no discernible bulge between their legs) would make me pretty uncomfortable. I don't doubt that I could find somebody very accepting to help me out (although it's the luck of the draw), but the very thought of having to go through that conversation with a stranger whose reaction I cannot predict leads me to err on the side of caution. Ah, well.

[description: fitting room selfie in a pair of red brief underwear]