Thursday, January 23, 2014

Baby, It's Cold Outside (and Thoughts on Sexual Innocence)

[description: a nude figure with erect penis stands before a window, snow outside]

I should really stop trying to do "standing beside the window" double exposures - they're a pain in the ass to manipulate in photoshop. But it's just so iconic of my lifestyle - looking out at the world from the safety of my secluded home...

As a non sequitur, here are some thoughts I recently had swimming through my head on the topic of "sexual innocence", a subject I've given some consideration to in the past:

In my conception, "sexual innocence" is not synonymous with ignorance or lack of experience. To be sexually innocent is to be capable of performing sex acts unashamedly, liberated from the context of sin, and to be able to find beauty rather than perversity in the erotic aspects of life. It does not indicate oblivion on the subject of sex (on the contrary, sometimes knowledge is the clearest path toward it), but rather a turning away (whether by experienced intention, or incidental ignorance) from the societal construction of human sexuality as a veritable minefield of physical, psychological, and spiritual pitfalls.

This is entirely in line with a true sex-positive mindset, and may be supported by any belief system that holds eros to be divine, rather than simply material or, worse yet, infernal. And this view of mine is inspired, ironically, by one interpretation of the Christian myth of the Garden of Eden, wherein Adam and Eve wandered naked, and were free to explore each other's bodies without knowing shame. Would that we could get "back to the garden", and become innocent once more. Many naturists pursue this path with respect to the human body and its display; I merely extend the agenda to include human sexuality among that bundle of important natural elements of living that mainstream society desperately needs an attitude adjustment toward.