Friday, March 22, 2019

Shame vs. Hormones

We are sexual organisms. Individuals will, of course, vary, but generally speaking, we are programmed to have lustful feelings towards the human body - and, depending on psychological conditioning, sometimes other things. That any social institution (be it religion or otherwise) should capitalize on making us feel ashamed of this fact is tragic, and I reject it.

It is not unreasonable for us to step back and consider the way we feel, and what these feelings compel us to do. Otherwise, the Hormone Monsters within us all would rage unchecked, and might tear civilization apart in a grandiose orgy. (Not that there's anything wrong with orgies, but without a measured conscience, there's no guarantee that consent will be respected).

But we mustn't let the Shame Wizard seep into our subconscious either, making us feel bad for the things that are supposed to make us feel good. As long as you are in control of yourself, and able to act rationally, there is no reason to feel bad for the thoughts you have that turn you on, and the fantasies you pursue towards sexual satisfaction.

Regarding the phenomenon of "post-orgasmal guilt", whether there is an element of psychochemistry involved (i.e., coming down off of a high), or the expression of a social need unfulfilled (i.e., the desire for intimacy in the absence of a partner), to whatever extent a sexually repressive culture exploits this weakness, I view succumbing to it as a character flaw.

In order to avoid sexual hypocrisy - which results in the abhorrent practice of indulging in sexual desires behind closed doors while condemning them openly in public - I've taken the advice of one of history's most notorious perverted sages (whatever his reputation may be, he was as much a philosopher as a scoundrel). The Marquis de Sade once wrote, "whether one is stiff, or whether one is not, one's philosophy, acting independently of the passions, should always remain the same."

In other words, do not allow yourself to be swayed by the heat of passion to engage in anything you'll have to apologize for later, and similarly, don't apologize for anything you permit yourself to do in the heat of passion - stand your ground. Only by doing this can you lead a fully authentic lifestyle, in and out of the metaphorical bedroom. This is how I've always approached being an internet model.