Thursday, October 18, 2018

Fashion Dump

I was browsing through some old photos from last year, and I came across some that I never posted. I guess when you're not doing a daily project and mining your catalog for every usable photo, some of them tend to fall by the wayside. Especially fitting room photos.

As much fun as it is to share the clothes I try on, sifting through those photos is a pain in the neck. I try to take a lot, just to increase the chances of getting a good one, but even then, it's hit or miss. And if I'm shopping like two or three days in a week, it adds up fast. Plus, when I've just tried on the clothes and taken the pictures, I tend to focus on the little imperfections that mar a given shot. Or sometimes I just don't like the lighting in a fitting room, or the mirror is in an awkward spot, or there's not enough room to get a good shot.

Months later, though, looking back, it can be a joy to see me wearing something interesting that I only ever tried on once (assuming I ended up not buying it - which is, inevitably, the fate of most things I try on). And, sometimes, you come across something that has since made its way into your closet, and get to see it again as it was the first time you ever tried it on!

[description: series of fitting room selfies in (and out of) a variety of dresses]