Monday, September 3, 2018

Clothing (Still) Optional

[description: portrait of a nudist in full sunlight, holding a "clothing optional" sign]

As discussed previously, this is a perfect example of a situation improved by direct sunlight. Sure, there are harsh shadows (especially under my chin), but look at the sunlight gleaming off my skin! I love the way that looks.

[description: triptych of a nudist holding a volleyball, in three different lighting conditions]

Compare these three different shots taken moments apart with different exposures and lighting conditions. The first is full-on direct sunlight. Some of the illuminated portions of skin are overexposed, but honestly, I think that contributes to the impression that the sunlight is very bright and warm. (Certainly, if "high key" photography - which takes this effect to a ridiculous extreme - is a legitimate technique, then my use of a few overblown highlights shouldn't be a problem).

Consider the second image, which is exposed for cloud cover. The figure has less contrast (variance from light to dark sections), and has a much cooler appearance. I do like, however, the way my pale skin looks, almost as if it were glowing from within.

The third image was taken in partial sunlight. My camera was still exposed for full sunlight, which is why the image appears so dark. But compared to the first, the highlights are no longer blown out. However, the rest of the image does appear underexposed. You almost have to strain your eyes to look at it.

I can't say that any one of these images is "right" and that the rest are "wrong" - it all depends on what kind of look you're going for.