Saturday, February 17, 2018

Going to the Ballet

[description: a man in a pink tutu poses in a pink room]

I'm going to the ballet tonight, so I thought this would be a perfect excuse to put on my tutu and take some pictures.

[description: a ballerina in a tutu sits on the floor and paints her nails]
The nail polish has to match!

I respect and admire ballerinas very much. Most of my favorite photographers have photographed dancers of one sort or another. And I love wearing this tutu - it feels amazing. But I feel like an impostor. I don't have the moves. I don't have the experience. I don't have the training. I don't even have the flexibility. I wish I had a dance routine to perform. But this wouldn't be the first time (nor will it be the last) I've felt like my photography was a pale imitation of what inspires me. It figures that I felt a lot more comfortable taking mildly erotic/fetish-type photos than trying to be something I'm not.

[description: series of portraits that are progressively less dressed, and more erotic]

Although, in my defense, dance is at least as sensual an activity as nudism, if we're being honest.

On the other hand, the only reason I started to get undressed - I swear! - is because I was getting hot. Pervert or no, you can't say I'm not a genuine nudist. :-p

Still, I know erotic potential when I see it. -_^