Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Rising Sun

Happy New Year! Winding down from the holidays always takes some time. It's nice to have a week to relax (for those of us who get that sort of thing), once the majority of the stress from the holidays is behind you. But even that isn't always enough. Going into the new year, you have to balance the tying up of loose ends with the promise of new opportunities on the horizon.

My photographic endeavors planned for the new year include a long-awaited opportunity to play around with infrared photography, and a trepid determination to learn how to use an off-camera studio flash, to improve my skills and move one step closer to the professionals. Not that I will ever be anything other than an art photographer, but anything I can do to make my art photographs look even better (and to perhaps draw broader attention to my knowledge, experience, and passion for photography, in the ultimate hope that beautiful people will someday come to trust - if not desire - me to photograph them) is a definite plus.

It may take some time for the fruits of those labors to ripen, but keep your eyes peeled, for you the viewer stand only to benefit from these experimental endeavors, all in good time. Until then, stay tuned for my annual selection of some of my best photographs taken over the course of the last year - coming soon!