Saturday, February 13, 2016

Love and Lust

Some people say that "lust" is nothing but an inferior analog to love. Some will even go so far as to declare it a sin, to contrast love's virtue. But let me tell you something. I used to be one of those people who would get depressed on Valentine's Day, my thoughts turning inevitably toward how lonely my life has been, on that night when couples everywhere go out to have romantic, candlelit dinners, and profess their [allegedly] undying love for one another. I confess that I myself am a romantic at heart. And to be fair, I have to disclaim the fact that I've had more luck than some (for which I am grateful). But I just wasn't dealt the card for an abundance of romantic love in my life, whether that's something I want or not.

(I'll say that being involved in an unconventional, largely non-romantic "relationship" of sorts has me thinking that the headache of anxiety that comes with the obligation of dinner reservations and flower bouquets is almost certainly more trouble than it's worth. But who's to say that romance has to look like a Hallmark card? If I had my way, I'd already redesign the way we celebrate holidays - so why stop there?).

But here's the thing. Ever since I've re-dedicated Valentine's Day to a celebration of self-love, its approach hasn't once caused me to dwell on despair, but rather to look ahead with excitement to a day of shameless indulgence in some of the most consistent pleasures that life has to offer - pornography and masturbation! Imagine it. A warm bath, candles, and your favorite bodice ripper - or better yet, your trusty vibrator.* No obligations, no commitments, and no distractions. A day devoted entirely to you. Remember that self-love is the most important love of all.

So, you prudes can disparage the realm of the senses all you want - I know you'll do it whether you have my permission or not - but too many people underestimate the value of sexual pleasure, and its importance to happiness. Lust is not evil. It is essential to life. And like a flower in the rain, life withers in its absence. Neglect it, and you're bound to suffer. What better purpose, then, can Valentine's Day have than to reaffirm its central position in your life?

[description: portrait of a nude man with erection, sitting at a computer displaying pornography]

* For those visual creatures out there, like myself, the internet has an abundance of porn (of all varieties!) just waiting to respond to the touch of your fingertips. You don't even have to pay any money or breach any credit card barriers to get to the good stuff! (For better and worse - better for the consumers, not so much for the producers of this content).

If you're new to the world wide web of porn, it's as simple as conducting a Google image search with the SafeSearch turned off. A careful selection of search terms will help guide you to the content of your dreams (although some of the juicier stuff might require a more expert touch).

If you want my personal recommendation, avoid the tacky porn sites and pay tumblr a visit. Whatever you might say about that site (and you might say a lot), it is undoubtedly a treasure trove of erotic photography. It's my go-to destination for erotic stimulation these days, better than flickr and deviantART - even if, like me, you prefer the artsier stuff.

Or, you know, you could always just browse the pictures here on my blog...