Monday, March 30, 2015


Spring is in the air! The weather's getting nicer, and I'm feeling the desire to go outside. I'm happier, and more energetic than I am during the winter months. The other day, I was feeling so motivated, that on a pure whim, I spontaneously decided to do an extended fashion shoot featuring a wide cross-section of my wardrobe.

So I found a halfway decent place to set up my camera (and this is one of those times when I'm more focused on the modeling than on being a photographer), and I spent hours changing into and out of a large variety of outfits, shooting each one, so I could share them with you. You'll notice that the lighting changed drastically throughout the course of the shoot, as I began with morning sunlight streaming in through the windows, and ended in the afternoon with the kitchen light on.

(I guess that's one disadvantage of shooting in natural light, rather than setting up in a studio where you can control the lighting and keep it constant indefinitely, no matter how long your shoot runs). I started out with more or less normal outfits, and then moved into underwear, swimsuits, costumes, uniforms, and lingerie. The result is something that recalls My Girlfriend's Closet, with shades of my Slumber Party series, but comprehensive to a point nearing my failed Paper Doll experiment from several years ago.

[description: series of fashion portraits with descriptions of each outfit]