Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nudist Attraction

The mantra "normal, just naked" means neither sexual nor asexual.

I don't see a problem with people being attracted to other people in the textile world (though some do); therefore, I don't see a problem with people being attracted to other people in the nudist world. Just as long as they don't use the fact that the person is nude as some kind of excuse to behave in a manner they wouldn't if they were clothed. Because then you'd be treating the nudist environment as if it had a sexual context, which is inappropriate. (There are "swinger" environments where that sort of thing may be appropriate, but that is another thing entirely).

However, it's fair game to appreciate what's in public view in the textile world, so I don't see any problem with appreciating the special opportunity to view a person nude that exists within the nudist world - but again, as long as you aren't behaving in a manner that's bound to make someone uncomfortable. Ogling is usually considered impolite in the textile world - so, too, is it considered impolite in the nudist world. On the other hand, if you can't stand the idea of people appreciating your naked body, then maybe getting naked in front of strangers (no matter how polite) isn't the best thing for you.