Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Insidious Practice of Slut-Shaming

Attacking sexual expression as the cause of sexual abuse is not an attack on sexual abuse. It's an attack on sexual expression, which includes healthy and positive forms of expression. It's an attack on sex itself. If you don't hate sex, and you still want to fight abuse, then ATTACK THE ABUSE. Start promoting the platform that a girl (or anyone else) should be free to be as sexual as she wants (in dress, behavior, whatever), and that that IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO ABUSE HER (nor to shame her). As long as we continue to assume that sexy behavior leads to abuse, we are tacitly admitting that abuse is standard sexual procedure. That is an extremely sex-negative view, that completely ignores (and discourages!) positive and healthy sexual expression and activity, AND IT NORMALIZES SEXUAL ABUSE. Promote positive sexuality. Defend sexual freedom. Limit your attacks on sexuality strictly to sexual abuse - do not condemn the proper use of one's sexual agency (which may or may not involve promiscuity and pornography).